Vietnam names new National Assembly chairman

By Son Ha, Pham Du   May 20, 2024 | 12:36 am PT
Vietnam names new National Assembly chairman
Tran Thanh Man (C) is sworn in as chairman of the National Assembly. Photo by Hoang Phong
Standing deputy chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man was unanimously voted to be the new NA chairman on Monday.

Man, 62, replaces his predecessor Vuong Dinh Hue after his exit from the position. On May 2, the National Assembly granted Hue’s personal request to step down as chairman, after the Central Party Committee approved his resignation. Man has been assigned to operate the National Assembly in his stead since.

Man was the chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee, secretary of Can Tho Party Committee and head of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee. Since April 2021, he has been vice chairman of the National Assembly.

At the sworn-in ceremony, Man said his new position would be a huge pride and responsibility before the Party, the state and the people.

From Tuesday to Wednesday, the NA would continue to vote for a new president. Minister of Public Security To Lam has been nominated by the Central Party Committee to take the position.

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