The opinions expressed here are personal and do not necessarily match VnExpress's viewpoints.

I became the 'impolite' party after asking people to keep quiet in an elevator

After asking a group of men to stop laughing and talking loudly in an elevator, I was labeled 'impolite.'
July 23, 2024 | 03:17 pm PT

It starts in family: Noisy children will grow up into noisy adults

Last week I was bullied by a child at a coffee shop. He kept running around the place, bumping here and there, and then deliberately into me.
July 22, 2024 | 03:26 pm PT

Ngo Tu Ngan

Who are better English teachers: Qualified Vietnamese or native speakers?

Some readers argued that English centers are better off hiring qualified Vietnamese teachers as many native speakers hold no teaching degrees, but others said Vietnamese teachers cannot use the language.
READERS' VIEWS July 22, 2024 | 03:24 pm PT

The market for English teachers was always a bubble

Readers said the market for English teachers in Vietnam has gone downhill, in low payment and poor quality at some centers.
READERS' VIEWS July 19, 2024 | 03:13 pm PT

Should one continue living in the city at old age or return to the countryside for retirement?

After decades of living in the city, one either gets used to the routine or it’s time for them to escape the rat race and enjoy some countryside peace. Readers are divided.
READERS' VIEWS July 17, 2024 | 03:22 pm PT

Vietnam needs to develop AI, data is key

To better understand the recent development of artificial intelligence, I decided to join a two-day conference on the new technology in Singapore.
July 15, 2024 | 05:00 pm PT

Tran Hung Thien

Destroying smuggled luxury cars: waste or necessity?

Debates erupted after a Lamborghini and a Mercedes AMG G63, smuggled into Vietnam, were demolished last week following four years without anyone claiming them.
READERS' VIEWS July 15, 2024 | 03:31 pm PT

Who's that knocking at my door and offering to fix all my waste problem?

Suppose you run a restaurant and are tired of wasting money on bottled gas. Suppose you cringe every time you see your food waste being hauled away in a garbage truck and dumped in a stinky landfill.
July 10, 2024 | 08:56 pm PT

Paul A. Olivier

A woman crashes into me while trying to beat 4 seconds of green light

Ho Chi Minh City is trialing the removal of countdown timers from traffic lights. I believe the presence of the timers is not as important as drivers' traffic awareness.
READERS' VIEWS July 10, 2024 | 04:52 pm PT

Human dignity should be better protected by law enforcement, and hidden cameras should be a crime

At 18 I made one of the most important decisions in my life: choosing a university. I chose to apply only to the Hanoi University of Law.
July 8, 2024 | 08:00 pm PT

Bui Phu Chau

My neighbors attacked me after I complained about their karaoke noise

I once asked my neighbors if they intended to stop blasting karaoke noise and let me sleep, and that triggered their gang attack against me.
READERS' VIEWS July 8, 2024 | 03:14 pm PT

People should nap more at work

Even when I worked abroad, I held fast to my Vietnamese routine of taking a quick 15-minute power nap during lunch breaks.
July 3, 2024 | 07:45 pm PT

Trinh Phuong Quan

Rampant traffic violations reflect on the need for better public transportation

In just a few moments when I stopped my motorbike and waited for the red light at an intersection on Hoang Dieu Street in downtown HCMC, I counted a series of people breaking the law.
READERS' VIEWS July 3, 2024 | 03:38 pm PT

Transforming public services by treating each other better

I particularly enjoy visiting train stations in whichever cities I visit.
July 1, 2024 | 04:59 pm PT

To Thuc

10 km in Hanoi: One hour by bus, half by motorbike

After a month of commuting by public bus in Hanoi, a reader nicknamed 'Cho May' shared a review highlighting more cons than pros.
READERS' VIEWS July 1, 2024 | 03:39 pm PT
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