Actress Christy Chung lauds husband's kindness to stepdaughters

By Nhu Anh   June 17, 2024 | 05:00 am PT
Half-Vietnamese actress Christy Chung has expressed that her actor husband, Shawn Zhang, is viewed as a superhero by her two stepdaughters.

On Father's Day, which fell on Sunday, Christy Chung uploaded several family pictures on Weibo, showing appreciation for her husband, Shawn Zhang. She thanked him for his devotion to her and her two stepdaughters, 16-year-old Jaden and 14-year-old Cayla.

Chung highlighted that in her children's view, Zhang is a superhero. He cooks delicious food, fixes household items, and consistently tells jokes that keep the whole family laughing.

Actress Christy Chung, her actor husband Shawn Zhang and her two daughters. Photo from Chungs Weibo

Actress Christy Chung, her actor husband Shawn Zhang and her two daughters. Photo from Chung's Weibo

She thanked him for his role in raising and nurturing her children, writing, "Thank you for your hard work and sense of humor, which bring sweetness and joy to our lives. On this special day, I wish you endless smiles and happiness."

Chung, 54, and Zhang, 42, have been married for eight years. Chung had previously tried in vitro fertilization unsuccessfully. She shared that her attempts to conceive were motivated by her love for children and her wish to have a child with her husband, not due to pressure from him or his family, as reported by Sohu.

Shawn Zhang with Jaden and Cayla. Photo from Chungs Weibo

Shawn Zhang with Jaden and Cayla. Photo from Chung's Weibo

Chung has been criticized for her 12-year age difference with her husband and her appearance, but she has openly tackled these topics on social media, detailing her efforts to maintain her appearance and slow the aging process.

Zhang stood up for his wife against body-shaming, stating, "Stop mocking my wife's weight. I love her exactly as she is. We aren't perfect. We always hope for the best for everyone. Some choose to hide and write harmful nonsense about my wife, but I and many others recognize her excellence and kindness."

Chung was born in Canada, to a Chinese-Vietnamese father and a native Vietnamese mother. Chung was married twice before getting hitched to Zhang, and changed her three daughters’ surnames to his.

The actress has starred in "Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils," "Mermaid Got Married," and "Love on Delivery."

In 2000, she was voted the "Sexiest Woman In Asia" by a Singapore magazine.

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