People wade along a flooded street in the outskirts of Saigon at around 8 p.m. on Thursday night. Heavy thunderstorms after office hours left many streets across the city under water. |
Motorbike drivers support each other as they push through strong-flowing water. Deadly incidents of people being swept down drain holes on rainy days are not uncommon in Vietnam. |
A woman calls for help after her motorbike breaks down. Meanwhile, several other people decide to stand on the sidewalk to wait for the water to recede. |
The flood discriminates no one. |
A rough ride from school for this father and son. |
A driver waits for help after his car breaks down thanks to a soaking ride. |
Two women stand and watch as their house is flooded. “It happened so fast there’s nothing we could do,” one of them said. |
The usual traffic outside Tan Son Nhat International Airport just gets worse after the rain. |
Chaos on one of the roads connecting the airport with the city center. |
Frustration escalates as a car suddenly breaks down in the middle of the road. |
Flooding has become a year-round chronic problem in the modern megacity despite numerous expensive projects planned and launched to tackle the issue.
Now take a look back at another quite similar episode of motorbikes versus flooding in the city captured in May this year.