International press covers Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing

By Nhu Tam   July 20, 2024 | 11:11 pm PT
International press covers Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo courtesy of VGP
Global press outlets have highlighted the role and contributions to Vietnam's development and global standing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong after his passing on Friday.

Lao national news agency KPL published a black-and-white portrait of Trong on its homepage, along with condolences from Lao Party leaders, state and people.

Lao leaders commended the fact that Trong had dedicated himself for the people's liberation cause, national unity and the Party's efforts for change, developing Vietnam and elevating the country on both the regional and global stage.

In an article that announced Trong's passing, Chinese news agency Xinhua said Vietnamese websites were changing their appearances to black-and-white, as the people mourned for the late leader. The People's Daily also published condolences from the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee to the Vietnamese Party and state leaders.

Gramma, the press organ of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, cited a post by Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, calling Trong as a comrade and friend of Cuba.

Cuba would hold a mourning and memorial period for Trong from 6 a.m. Saturday (5 p.m. in Hanoi time) to 12 a.m. Sunday, while state funeral ceremonies will take place for all of Monday. The Cuban National Assembly on Friday also spent a minute in silence in memorial of Trong.

Russian news agencies have also published several articles on Trong's passing. TASS published articles on Trong's biography, political career, achievements and awards. RIA Novosti and Sputnik both published condolences from Russian President Vladimir Putin to Vietnamese leaders. Putin said Russia would remember Trong as a "true friend with major personal contributions to the establishment and development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Moscow and Hanoi."

Japan's NHK said Trong had helped Vietnam bolster relations with the U.S., Russia and China, and led its multilateral diplomatic approach in an increasingly polarized international community. The broadcaster mentioned Trong's visit to Japan in 2015 and his meeting with then-Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, which contributed to the relations and cooperation between Vietnam and Japan.

South Korea's Yonhap also highlighted Trong's career and mentioned his state visit to South Korea back in 2014.

The official press organ of the Workers' Party of Korea Rodong Sinmun, as well as North Korea's state news agency KCNA, posted condolences from leader Kim Jong-un to the leaders and people of Vietnam.

The condolences described Trong as having dedicated himself to the development of the Vietnamese Party, nation and people, contributing to the friendly and cooperative relations between Vietnam and North Korea, in accordance with agreements reached in a dialogue back in March 2019 in Hanoi.

Several international news agencies also cited Vietnamese media regarding news of Trong's passing on Friday.

AFP described Trong as the first person to have led the Communist Party of Vietnam for three consecutive terms, ever since Doi Moi in 1986. Reuters highlighted Trong's leadership role over the last decade, as Vietnam achieved quick economic growth and upgraded its ties with several nations in the world.

The Guardian mentioned Trong's "bamboo diplomacy" approach, reviewing how he was the first leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam to have an official visit to the U.S. and meet then-President Barack Obama in 2015. The visit was described as "historical", marking the foundation for Vietnam and the U.S. to upgrade their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2023.

AP described Trong as having launched an anti-corruption campaign, which has seen thousands of officials and Party members with violations being dealt with since 2016.

The U.S. news agency also cited the U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, saying Trong was a leader with a key position in Vietnam's contemporary history. Under his leadership, Vietnam has continued its path of development, becoming one of the fastest growing economies of the world, and is an important partner for the U.N.

The Washington Post said Trong's anti-corruption campaign is an effort to bolster the people's faith in the Party's leadership, as well as the capacity to operate one of the most active economies in the region. The paper also mentioned Trong's visit to the U.S. in 2015, especially his speech on his practical policies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Trong died at 1:38 p.m. on Friday in Hanoi due to old age and severe illness, aged 80. He was awarded the Gold Star Order and the 55-year Party membership badge by Vietnam's Communist Party and the state, along with other international awards such as the National Gold Medal by the Lao President, the Friendship Medal by the Chinese Party and state, the Lenin Award which is the most prestigious award by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and the Jose Marti Badge of the Cuban Party and state.

Vietnam will hold a two-day state funeral for him on July 25 and 26. During the two days of state mourning, offices and public places will fly the national flag at half-mast, and all public entertainment events will be suspended.

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