World-leading MBA school to award US degrees with zero-carbon commitment

By Thy An   October 1, 2024 | 03:00 am PT
IE University, one of the few institutions granted the right to award U.S. degrees, plans to offer Business and Sustainability master's programs with a commitment to zero carbon.

In July, the Spanish business school announced the establishment of its New York campus (IENYC), with tuition fees ranging from $50,000 to $60,000 per year for master's programs, accommodating up to 60 students per class.

According to the Financial Times, IE Business School in Spain ranked first for online MBAs in 2024. With this achievement, the school will gain accreditation as a standalone institution in the U.S., enabling graduates to apply for a post-study work visa and remain in the country for up to two years.

Diego del Alcázar, CEO of IE University, shares insights into this significant milestone.

Diego del Alcázar, executive vice-president at IE University. Photo courtesy by IE University

Diego del Alcázar, executive vice-president at IE University. Photo courtesy by IE University

What is the focus of IENYC?

IENYC will focus on three key areas: the intersection of business, sustainability, and technology. We’re launching master's programs in management, finance, and business analytics, with additional programs under consideration for the future.

New York, being a global corporate hub, offers our students not just a valuable learning experience but also access to top companies and exceptional career opportunities.

What steps has IE taken to reduce its carbon footprint?

We have been offsetting our carbon emissions for the past four years and are the first university in the world to commit to becoming carbon-neutral. The Financial Times ranks us as the top university for carbon footprint reduction. Additionally, we incorporate sustainability into all our courses.

How will the IENYC campus contribute to sustainable development?

Sustainability is at the core of IENYC. The City of New York supported our establishment precisely because of our focus on this area. We’re uniquely positioned to drive sustainability efforts, as we partner with the United Nations Staff College for a master’s program specifically related to sustainability. Thanks to these credentials, we’ve become the only international university with degree-awarding powers in New York City.

What impact will IENYC have on education in New York?

Currently, we remain small but ambitious. IENYC is located in Soho, Manhattan’s creative hub, and this choice is intentional. The physical setting plays a significant role in shaping our students’ experiences, and we aim to foster creativity and innovation in one of the city’s most dynamic neighborhoods.

Why is humanities education important today?

The humanities are crucial in today’s rapidly changing world, especially amid technological disruptions. While many innovations bring positive changes, some, like the rise of social media, also have negative consequences, such as fake news and biases. Humanities help us better understand ourselves and our communities, enabling us to think critically and address these challenges.

In a fast-moving world, self-awareness and an understanding of our capabilities and limits are essential for navigating change.

What is your approach to preparing students for future challenges?

We emphasize four key aspects:

- Technological preparedness and innovation.

- Humanity, recognizing that behind all technology are the people who matter most.

- Diversity. In today’s interconnected world, understanding different cultures and perspectives is essential. At IE, we host students from 114 nationalities, with no more than 10% from any one country. This diversity enriches our campus with various perspectives.

- Entrepreneurial mindset. IE was founded by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs. It’s not just about starting businesses but about having the agility to adapt to fast-changing environments.

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