Nguyen Dong Hoa, director of the Phu Tho Arena, on Sunday said the incident occurred while technicians were finalizing the stage setup for the pageant. The lighting system, installed 5 m above ground, suddenly gave way, crashing onto the stage and seating area.
Tran Bao Viet Hoang, head of the Miss Cosmo 2024 organizing committee, said one technician was injured in the collapse, while several others sustained minor scrapes. The committee is currently working to repair the damage and complete the stage setup in time for rehearsals and the finals, scheduled to take place from Oct. 2 to 5.
Miss Cosmo 2024 is an international beauty pageant organized by Vietnamese, with contestants from over 50 countries and territories.
The Phu Tho Arena, located on Ly Thuong Kiet Street, has been in operation since 2003 and can accommodate up to 8,000 spectators.