Tour guide attacks Chinese tourist for refusing to shop at Thai jewelry store

By Hoang Vu   September 22, 2024 | 10:55 pm PT
Tour guide attacks Chinese tourist for refusing to shop at Thai jewelry store
Bangkok's Chinatown, one of the top tourist attractions in Thailand. Photo by Reuters
A video circulating on Thai social media shows a Chinese tourist being scolded and attacked by an illegal male tour guide for refusing to shop at a jewelry store in Bangkok, leading to a police investigation.

In the video, the Chinese guide is seen berating the female tourist for not purchasing any products and accusing her of disrespecting him. The situation escalated when the guide rushed toward the tourist and pushed her, trying to stop her from recording the incident.

The tourist cried for help, alleging physical assault, according to the Khaosod English news site.

Security guards eventually intervened and escorted the guide off the premises.

The altercation took place at a popular jewelry store in Bangkok’s Lat Krabang District on Sept. 17, according to Bangkok News.

The Tourism Industry Facebook page claims that the jewelry store is known for catering to "zero-dollar tours," where illegal tour guides bring tourists to specific shops in exchange for commissions on purchases.

In response to the incident, a group of Thai tour guides submitted a petition to the Ministry of Tourism, urging immediate action against foreign illegal tour guides. They warned that such incidents could damage Thailand's tourism reputation.

Investigation into the case is currently underway.

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