As a qualified teacher with a bachelor's and a Master in education, I have to say that most of them have no business teaching.
My Vietnamese niece goes to one of the best public schools because of her grades, she is taught by a Russian and I cannot even have a conversation with her most of the time as her pronunciation is not as it should be, she sounds like a Russian trying to speak English most of the time.
But regardless of where a teacher comes from, the first issue is their degrees, even if they are non-native but have a teaching degree and taught in their country they are better teachers than I would say 90% of the backpackers or non-native English speaking teachers with no degree.
The same goes for Vietnamese teachers as they are better than most backpacker teachers, the problem they have is in their writing and speaking as well. I am not sure if it has changed but many of the older Vietnamese teachers when going to school they were taught how to translate from English to Vietnamese, and all the grammar rules to be memorized. Many are better at knowing the grammar rules than native qualified English teachers, however they are unable to put theory into action.
First get rid of the ones that have no teaching qualifications, then work on pay for the locals as they are grossly underpaid, then pay the qualified teachers what we are deserved.
Then with all the teachers feeling they are getting what they deserve they can take more care in teaching instead of wondering when we will get or lose something because the centers are trying to just make a buck off of us and try to actually take advantage and bully us. As long as they have many backpackers they do not have to treat us as we deserve and will continually take advantage and exploit us both local and foreign teachers.