The technology is based on Illumina BeadArray - Infinium that uses Single Nuleotide Polymorphisms (SNP). The HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is a powerful whole-genome scanning panel designed for efficient, high-throughput analysis of genetic and structural variations relevant to human diseases.
The HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip, with 300,000 SNPs targeting regions and a resolution up to 62 kb, is able to identify triploidy, maternal cell contamination, low low-level mosaic embryos, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH).
This technology is currently used widely with extensive application in prenatal, postnatal and cancer diagnostics. With a detection rate up to 15 percent, chromosomal microarray has been recommended as a first-tier clinical diagnostic for individuals with abnormal fetal ultrasounds, multiple congenital anomalies, unexplained developmental delay/intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorders.
High-throughput Illumina HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip. Photo by Biomedic. |
Besides Illumina BeadArray, Illumina’s TruSight One Expanded technology, which sequences and analyzes around 6700 genes related to human genetic diseases are also being implemented in Vietnam. The results of these new technologies will enable new screening, diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for genetic diseases.
Microarray identifies small abnormalities and stillbirth cases. Photo by Biomedic. |
As the official representative of Illumina - the world's leading company in the field of gene sequencing, Biomedic Scientific Materials JSC has been collaborating with research centers and healthcare organizations to provide the latest technology solutions used in disease research, drug development and molecular diagnostics.
Successful implementation of these two technologies is an important milestone in using genetic technology for diagnostics of genetic diseases, personalized medicine and the rising healthcare standard of Vietnamese. With the criterion of becoming a pioneer in providing molecular biology tests in Vietnam, Biomedic has been making efforts to support domestic customers in deploying the most advanced technology applications in research, laboratory, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, infectious diseases and criminal examination.
Contact information:
Biomedic Scientific Materials JSC
Address: 14th floor, No. 1 Dao Duy Anh, Phuong Mai Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi
Phone: +84.2432.066.066