My girlfriend borrows money right after accepting my confession

By Hai Dang   June 13, 2024 | 03:41 pm PT
I recently experienced a moment of unease when my girlfriend asked to borrow money from me right after we confirmed our relationship.

We are both about 30 years old with stable office jobs. Our first encounter was at a friend’s wedding, where I was struck by her feminine beauty, prompting me to strike up a conversation and eventually exchange contact details. I felt fortunate to find out she was single.

As we spent more time together, our affection for each other grew. She is a thoughtful, gentle, and intelligent conversationalist, and I feel completely at ease with her.

The progression of our relationship reached a peak recently when I expressed my feelings for her during a dinner date, and she reciprocated. We had a wonderful evening filled with joy. The following morning, after dropping her off at work and agreeing to meet for lunch, she affectionately kissed me goodbye on the cheek. Although neither of us is each other’s first love, this didn’t bother me.

Later, after I sent her home after work, she shared during our text conversation that she was short on money due to sending funds home earlier in the month to help her parents replace a broken air conditioner. She asked if she could borrow VND5 million (approximately US$197), promising to repay it with her next paycheck. I transferred the money immediately but couldn't shake off a slight feeling of discomfort.

I wonder, does she see me as a close confidant to approach in times of need, or is it simply that she is comfortable enough to ask for financial help without hesitation?

What do you think about my situation?

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