Actress Fan Bingbing endorses Malaysian durian dessert for Chinese tourists

By Linh Le   June 18, 2024 | 02:50 am PT
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing, serving as a tourism ambassador for the Malaysian state of Melaka, has endorsed durian cendol as a must-try dessert for tourists from China visiting the country.
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing. Photo from Fans Instagram

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing. Photo from Fan's Instagram

According to The Star, speaking at a press conference held in Melaka on Sunday, Fan highlighted the popular iced sweet, which combines durian, pandan-flavored green rice flour jelly, coconut milk, and palm sugar syrup, as a highlight of the local cuisine.

"Melaka is a melting pot of cuisines and flavors, and durian cendol is a must-try delicacy," she stated.

Actress Fan Bingbing enjoying a cup of durian cendol. Photo from Fans Instagram

Actress Fan Bingbing enjoying a cup of durian cendol. Photo from Fan's Instagram

The actress also pointed out that Melaka is an ideal travel destination for Chinese visitors due to its historical connections to China and Mandarin-speaking locals, as per a report by the Malay Mail.

Fan, 43, embarked on her entertainment career at 17 and has since gained fame as an actress, model, television producer, and singer. She was included in Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in 2017.

Following a US$128 million fine for tax evasion in 2018, Fan has maintained a more discreet public profile.

She was appointed Melaka’s tourism ambassador earlier this year, a role that local authorities believe will leverage her popularity to promote the destination, according to The Straits Times.

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