The book, written by Japanese writer Aihara Hiroyuki and illustrated by Ha (pen name Dom Dom), was first published in Vietnamese by Kim Dong Publishing House last year.
It has the calm Brown Bear representing the Japanese people and the brave Mun Cat representing Vietnamese, and narrates how their friendship was forged after going on a journey together and earning each other’s trust.
Hiroyuki is the author of more than 100 highly popular Ehon (Japanese term for picture books) and co-monologues.
Dom Dom has illustrated many children's books and comics, including ‘Hoang Tu Rom’ (The Straw Prince) in 2017, ‘Cuoc Phieu Luou Cua Jenny O Vuong Quoc Ham Choi’ (Jenny's Adventures in the Gluttony Kingdom) in 2019, and ‘Chuyen Nay Chuyen Kia’ (This and That Story) in 2020.
She won 2019 Scholastic Picture Book Award for ‘Co Be Tren Mai Nha Va Cau Be Ben Bo Bien’ (The Girl On The Roof And The Boy On The Beach) given by U.S. multinational publisher Scholastic, who also published the book.