Primates forage in yellow flamboyant forest of Son Tra Peninsula
Son Tra Peninsula in Da Nang City, dyed yellow by peltophorum pterocarpum (flamboyant trees), has seen a troop of red-shanked douc langurs feeding on young leaves.
Come April, the area on Son Tra Peninsula near Tien Sa Cape is covered by yellow blossoming flamboyant trees, fed on by red-shanked douc langurs, dubbed 'Queen primates.'
Son Tra, which covers more than 4,400 hectares (10,880 acres) and rises to 700 meters at its peak, acts as a natural shield for Da Nang. The peninsula is around 10 kilometers to the northeast of Da Nang's center and bordered by the sea in three directions.
A group of photographers including Vo Rin, Ha Vu Linh and Nguyen Thuy Linh arrived at the forest in Son Tra on April 7. After several hours, a troop of nine langurs appeared, feeding on yellow flower buds and perusing a rope ladder.
Son Tra has nearly 1,000 species of plants, including 22 rare ones, and hundreds of species of animals, of which the red-shanked douc langur is the rarest with a population of 300-400 under strict protection.
Son Tra is at its most enchanting from April to June. When it rains, douc langurs begin their cacophonic calls prior to feeding.
A douc langur swings between yellow flamboyant trees which grow 9-10 meters in height.
Studies show that the red-shanked douc langur only appears along the Truong Son mountain range, a chain of mountains running along the border of Vietnam and Laos.
The red-shanked douc is a rare and endemic species in Vietnam. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) placed them on the list of animals in need of unconditional protection.
Currently, hundreds of species of douc langur are strictly protected by local authorities.
Photographers said early morning and late afternoon are suitable times to take photos of the langurs.
Son Tra boasts a rich forest ecosystem and marine biodiversity. It resembles a giant mushroom when seen from above, with the mountain being the head and golden sand beaches, the body. The peninsula plays an important role in terms of military defense.