CNN praised beef pho as "the most beloved version in Vietnam."
Pho is a dish of flat, soft rice noodles served in a fragrant broth made with either beef or chicken, flavored with an array of condiments.
Considered a national dish, pho can be found across Vietnam. While its origins trace back to Hanoi, it has evolved in the south, where local influences have added new dimensions to the dish.
The beef-based pho is prepared using various cuts and parts of beef. Its rich stock is crafted from beef bones, shank, oxtail, and neck, simmered for hours with cinnamon, star anise, and other spices.
In Vietnam, pho is ubiquitous, available at roadside eateries, local markets, luxury dining establishments, and even 5-star hotels.
Tom yum goong, one of the many variations of tom yum soup in Thailand, features prawns as the main ingredient, along with galangal, lemongrass, and lime leaves.
Its bold hot and sour flavors make it a standout in Thai cuisine.
Other soups featured on CNN's list include Nigeria's banga, made from palm fruit extract, France's bouillabaisse seafood soup, China's lanzhou beef noodle soup, Indonesia's soto ayam (chicken noodle soup), and Japan's iconic ramen.