China reclaims position as Vietnam's largest source of tourists

By Hoang Phong    May 28, 2024 | 08:43 pm PT
China reclaims position as Vietnam's largest source of tourists
Chinese tourists in front of the Temple of Literature in Hanoi. Photo by VnExpress/Tu Nguyen
China surpassed South Korea to become Vietnam's largest source of tourists in May with 357,907 arrivals, or nearly 40% of all foreign visitors.

It marked the first time China regained its status as the biggest feeder market since it reopened its borders in March 2022.

Before the Covid pandemic China used to be Vietnam's top source of visitors, but lost the position to South Korea after reopening.

In May South Korea was second with 351,000 visitors, followed by Taiwan (110,000), Japan (53,000), and the U.S. (48,000), according to data from the General Statistics Office.

The rest of the top 10 were Cambodia (41,000), India (38,000), Thailand (33,882), Australia (33,121), and Malaysia (32,000).

The total number of international visitors to the country was 1.38 million, up 51% year-on-year, but down 10% from April.

Realizing the tourism potential of the world's biggest outbound tourism market, Southeast Asian countries have scrambled to offer visa-free entry for visitors from China.

Thailand made the waiver permanent in March.

Malaysia granted 30-day visa-free entry to Chinese tourists since December last year and Singapore did the same last February.

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