Korea – Vietnam Food and Culture Festival 2016

November 9, 2016 | 09:00 pm PT
Opening: 10:00 am, Fri 11 Nov 2016
Exhibition: 11 2016 to 13 2016, 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Grab your fresh tteokbokki and rave with Kpop stars this Friday.

Three free days of food and cultural exchange at Hanoi's My Dinh stadium will feature bun cha and pho alongside gimbap and kimchi freshly made by professional Vietnamese and Korean chefs.

Kpop stars Laboum, UKISS and Hariwon are set to perform alongside Vpop stars Tien Tien and My Linh.

A lucky draw coupons will be made available at the information table.

Admission is free.

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