"Every Halloween season, I would hesitate to take my little children out. They are scared easily and can scream out of fear upon seeing images like ghosts or blood-stained bodies. They attended a Halloween party at their school the other year and had nightmares after that. Some images at the party could scare adults, let alone children. I don't get the benefits from these parties, and why so many schools have rushed to organize them."
Khang Nguyen
"My daughter is not 3 years old yet and she is terrified by any object that is distorted and a bit creepy. But her teachers made her attend a costume party with ghosts, skulls and bones. I cannot understand the educational purpose here."
Nguyen Van Luon
"Halloween is a western festival, but so many Vietnamese have made it something they must celebrate. Many kindergartens in Vietnam organize Halloween parties, forcing parents to spend money on costumes for the children. I really don't want to spend money on that, but I also don't want my children to feel left out at the parties. Personally, I think we should abolish these useless parties at schools because they don't have any positive values in terms of education."
Minh Tran
"In the U.S. Halloween is the children's favorite festival, coming with leaves changing colors, ripening corn fields and pumpkin festivals. Homes are decorated and candies prepared for the children. As such, it is a nice memory for every child growing up there. But here it has only been adopted half way, and is just a horror show for many young people."