"To get back in Vietnam to be with my wife."
Harish Chouhan
"To be able to once again visit my favorite country."
Simon Youens
"To get my job back, and bring another generation of people to visit this beautiful country."
Hans Baldwin
"To visit Vietnam without any restrictions."
Shane Migliaccio
"Leaving Vietnam to visit our kids, family, and meet our new son-in-law for the first time after 18 months since the wedding-- while being able to return home to Vietnam without to cost prohibiting paperwork or weeks of quarantine!"
Jacob Bloemberg
"I am hoping that thousands of separated families would be reunited again in Vietnam. There are so many parents that haven't seen their kids in two years. I hope Vietnamese government can consider the human/family cost and not just economic cost when deciding who to let inside the country."
Greg NG
"Please open borders for foreigners to be with their loved ones in Vietnam. They are already a constant factor in economy of Vietnam (supporting loved ones financially for food and medicines, donating to Vietnam charity, etc...) We visited several times per year when possible. Humble, we ask to let us continue family life. It will be more than 2.5 years that we can't have family life. Our life is frozen."
Ria van Rossum