Ninety four percent of Vietnamese said they gamed at least occasionally while nearly 20 percent said they were frequent gamers, according to the Statista Global Consumer Survey.
Eighty five percent said they gamed on smartphones.
Besides Vietnam, other developing countries like Nigeria, Thailand and the Philippines also reported high numbers of adult gamers, aided by their younger demographics.
Smartphone gaming has won over people not previously invested in the activity by giving them easy access at low or no initial cost.
The Statista Global Consumer Survey polled 1,000-4,000 respondents between 18 and 64 years of age in 55 countries and territories.
Vietnam is a growing market for e-sport and online games. An earlier Statista report said online game revenues in the country this year are expected to top $10.1 million, up 16 percent from 2019.
Another study by market research company Niko Partners and Google earlier this year forecast Vietnam’s e-sport market to achieve the highest five-year compounded annual growth rate in Southeast Asia, from 2018, of 28 percent.