What is recommended number of eggs diabetes patients should consume weekly?

March 10, 2024 | 03:11 pm PT
My 59-year-old father, who has type 2 diabetes, is fond of eggs. Is it advisable for him to include eggs in his diet, and if so, what is the recommended quantity per week? (Hanh Nguyen, HCMC)


Eggs have a glycemic index and glycemic load of 0, indicating that their consumption is not likely to lead to significant spikes in blood sugar levels. This makes eggs a favorable option for inclusion in the daily meals of individuals with diabetes. Nonetheless, there are several important points to consider.

Eggs are a source of high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, offering a range of health benefits. For people with diabetes, consuming eggs can aid in prolonging feelings of fullness, providing continuous energy, and avoiding snacking that might cause blood sugar levels to rise.

These foods are packed with vital nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamins of the B group, calcium, selenium, and choline. These components are essential for immune function, eye health, the nervous system, and maintaining the health of various body organs.

Toasts with avocados and eggs. Illustration photo by Pixabay

Toasts with avocados and eggs. Illustration photo by Pixabay

Diabetes patients are generally advised to limit their cholesterol intake to 200-300 mg daily. Given that a large egg contains about 186 mg of cholesterol, it’s advisable for diabetes patients to limit their egg consumption to four per week or a maximum of one per day, while also limiting intake of other foods high in cholesterol like beef and pork. Consuming eggs within these guidelines does not heighten the risk of heart-related issues.

For further dietary planning, consider the nutritional content of eggs: 100 grams of eggs provide 143 calories, 0.72 grams of carbohydrates, 13 grams of protein, 9.5 grams of fat, 3.1 grams of saturated fat, and 372 mg of cholesterol.

It’s beneficial for those with diabetes to pair eggs with foods high in vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fibers to ensure a well-rounded nutritional intake and minimize cholesterol absorption from eggs. Opting for boiling or steaming eggs over frying or scrambling is recommended to decrease the intake of saturated fats.

Dr. Nguyen Anh Duy Tung

Nutrihome Nutrition Clinic System

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