Avoid these 3 common mistakes when eating pomegranates to maximize health benefits

By Linh Le   November 20, 2024 | 06:53 pm PT
Eating too much of the fruit or consuming its rind are common mistakes that should be avoided to fully benefit from pomegranates’ health properties.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that 100 grams of pomegranate provides 83 calories, 17% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C, 5% of the DV for vitamin B6, 3% of the DV for magnesium, and 1% of the DVs for calcium and iron, all while being free of cholesterol.

Pomegranates are thus rich in antioxidants, may reduce inflammation, possess anticancer properties, support heart, urinary, and digestive health, according to Healthline.

However, to maximize the health benefits of pomegranates, it is important to avoid these four mistakes, as advised by Dr. Archana Batra, a dietician and certified diabetes educator, in an interview with Only My Health.

A pomegranate cut open. Illustration photo by Pexels

A pomegranate cut open. Illustration photo by Pexels

1. Consuming the rind

The rind of the pomegranate is tough and bitter, rendering it inedible, Dr. Batra points out. The expert recommends focusing on extracting and savoring the juicy, tart-sweet arils instead.

She also suggests that cutting the rind before breaking open the fruit can simplify the process.

2. Overeating

High in fiber, Pomegranates may aid digestion, but consuming them in large amounts can lead to digestive problems. Dr. Batra recommends limiting intake to a half-cup of arils per serving to enjoy their benefits without adverse effects.

Furthermore, although pomegranate seeds are generally safe to consume, excessive intake might sometimes cause intestinal blockages, particularly in those with chronic constipation.

3. Ignoring allergies

Allergies to pomegranates are uncommon but can cause swelling, itching, or breathing problems. It is critical to stop eating the fruit immediately and seek medical attention if these symptoms occur.

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