Vietnamese women are 3rd most beautiful in Asia

By Minh Duc   June 10, 2024 | 09:55 pm PT
Vietnam is third in the list of 20 Asian countries with the most beautiful women, according to Insider Monkey.

The website that provides free insider trading and hedge fund data to ordinary investors employed a consensus-driven approach, using data from multiple sources, to rank women with possess natural beauty or have undergone plastic surgery.

It assigned a score to each of the 20 shortlisted countries, ranging from 0.05 to 1.

Vietnam finished third on the list published on May 31, with a score of 0.9. South Korea topped the list followed by Japan, scoring 1 and 0.95 respectively.

"Vietnam is renowned for its beautiful women, who are often admired for their delicate features, smooth skin, and graceful demeanor," it said.

A Vietnamese woman wearing a white ao dai (traditional Vietnamese dress). Photo provided by Pham Dinh Manh

A Vietnamese woman. Photo provided by Pham Dinh Manh

It said the beauty industry in the Asia-Pacific region has emerged as a powerhouse.

Projections indicate that by 2031 the facial care market in the Asia-Pacific will soar to a value of US$88.4 billion.

South Korea stands at the forefront of this industry, earning the title of the "beauty capital of the world" with its extensive skincare regimens and its women’s dedication to beauty treatment.

Southeast Asian nations like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are also seeing growth in the beauty industry.

The Vietnamese beauty market was worth $2.26 billion in 2022.

In recent years the demand for cosmetic procedures in Vietnam has surged. With procedures like nose jobs priced at $1,000 and breast augmentation at $2,000, it is in fact emerging as a destination for affordable beauty treatment.

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