Weather Online forecast UV levels in the city to reach 9-12 during the day, while AccuWeather predicted levels at 13.
An UV level between 7-10 can damage and burn skin in 30-60 minutes, and an UV level of 13 is considered to be dangerous, capable of burning the skin and eyes after exposure of around 15 minutes, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Nguyen Trieu Vu, head of the oncology department of the Thu Duc City Hospital, said UV rays can damage the DNA of skin cells, potentially triggering skin cancer. The higher the UV level, the more damage can be incurred to the skin.
Pham Minh Doan from the HCMC Hospital of Dermato-Venereology said UV levels could fluctuate over different time periods, but were harmful to the skin regardless.
HCMC has been experiencing temperatures of 32-36 degrees Celsius in recent days. Actual temperatures recorded on the streets can be 3-4 degrees higher due to radiation reflected by vehicles and infrastructure.
Vietnamese will have a five-day break for the Hung Kings' Commemoration, Reunification Day and Labor Day from April 29 to May 3.