Singaporean actor Aliff Aziz regrets revealing actress wife Bella Astillah’s affair

By Minh Long   May 11, 2024 | 05:00 pm PT
Singaporean actor Aliff Aziz has expressed regret for revealing details about his wife, Malaysian singer-actress Bella Astillah, including allegations of her affair with actor Muaz Zabir

Aziz, 33, admitted that he disclosed the affair in a moment of anger and was unable to control his emotions, according to the Straits Times.

Malaysian singer-actress Bella Astillah. Photo from her Instagram

Malaysian singer-actress Bella Astillah. Photo from her Instagram

"It was wrong and I regret it because in the end, she is still the mother of my children," he said during an appearance on the Malay-language podcast The Common Folks. "At that time, I was filled with anger, hatred and regret."

The episode, which aired on May 2, showed Aziz emotionally tearful when discussing his feelings toward Astillah.

Astillah’s alleged relationship with Malaysian actor Zabir surfaced after a TikTok use revealed on April 2 that they had been romantically involved since October 2023.

Astillah, 30, did not deny the allegations and told Malaysian media on April 3 that she had used Zabir, 27, to provoke jealousy in Aziz after he allegedly had affairs with two other women. The issue has since been resolved within their families.

Astillah and Aziz, who are parents to two children, were united in marriage in 2016 but chose to separate in 2019 amid ongoing allegations of Aziz’s extramarital relationships. They reconciled in 2020.

Astillah initiated divorce proceedings once more last month following Aziz’s arrest in Malaysia alongside 31-year-old local actress Ruhainies under accusations of khalwat (close proximity), which denotes a situation where a woman and a man, not married to one another or related by blood, are found together in a private setting.

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