Some parents mistakenly believe their talented children do not need inheritance

By LQL   September 22, 2024 | 02:47 pm PT
Some parents mistakenly believe their talented children do not need inheritance
Inheriting assets from parents can make it easier for children to achieve success. Illustration photo by VnExpress/Quynh Tran
Even tech billionaire Bill Gates will leave inheritance for his children, so there is no reason my children should start life with nothing.

Many debate whether to invest in their children's education instead of leaving them money or properties. But why not give them both instead of choosing one and arguing over whether knowledge or money is more important?

The reality is that real estate prices are skyrocketing. At some point, buying a first home will be out of reach even for those who are moderately talented. If you are not extremely gifted, homeownership may become unattainable. Thus, leaving an inheritance can significantly shorten your children's path to homeownership.

Even children of billionaires like Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will get some inheritance. If anything, just being the children of Bill Gates is already a remarkable inheritance.

Inheritance is an unchanging law of life. Humanity has advanced due to the legacies passed down through generations. No individual, family, organization, or nation can rise without this head start.

We should stop endlessly praising those who started with nothing and later became successful in the past as circumstances have changed. Those individuals might not achieve the same success if faced with today's challenges.

Everyone has limits. If you leave nothing for your children, they will have to buy their own homes. With today’s soaring housing prices, what if they never achieve that goal? Would you want to see them live in a rented home and struggle to make ends meet for life?

I urge everyone to consider this topic seriously. No one can guarantee that their children's capabilities will be enough to not need inheritance. Life is uncertain, and the future is unpredictable; thus, parents should not underestimate the value of inherited assets for their children.

So what is your viewpoint on this matter?

*This opinion was translated into English with the assistance of AI. Readers’ views are personal and do not necessarily match VnExpress’ viewpoints.

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