My life changes after 3 years of minimal effort at work

June 20, 2024 | 03:04 pm PT
My life changes after 3 years of minimal effort at work
Excessive work can cause employees to experience burnout. Illustrated photo by Pexels
After two years of dedicating everything to a full-time job, I decided to do the bare minimum at work and invested my time into a side hustle.
I am an engineer with a university degree currently employed by a manufacturing enterprise in a rural area. Having led a non-technical department, I have gained sufficient experience to confidently share my perspective on various aspects of life.

During my tenure as department head, despite a modest salary, I faced work pressures that left me exhausted almost every night and strained my relationships for over two years. The initial pride that came with the position lasted only a month for me. Afterwards, I grew frustrated with the heavy workload and saw little opportunity for promotion.

After three years, I transitioned to another technical department with a similar salary but fewer responsibilities. With advancements in AI, the workload in the technical department significantly decreased. Now, I work only two hours per day, mostly observing processes. However, the company has seen a decline in orders, and I constantly worry about potential job losses due to workforce reductions.

As a result, I began studying and taking on side jobs related to my longstanding interest in plant care and botany alongside my full-time position. After accumulating over three years of experience and knowledge, and building a personal brand, I started a business. In its first month, it generated as much income as my main position. By the fifth month, my income had increased fivefold.

Now, with stable income from both jobs, I no longer worry about economic fluctuations. Even if I were to lose my main job, earnings from my side business would be sufficient to maintain my lifestyle and allow me extra time for personal development. I am always confident and prepared to face any risks that may arise.

In my opinion, it is not always necessary to fully dedicate yourself to one full-time job. Each person has different circumstances. I am not advocating for everyone to be lazy, but sacrificing oneself for a company is not always a wise move. Promotion opportunities are often limited to a few talented individuals within a company, while others must seek alternative paths in life. Pursuing side hustles and investing in them could be another way for you to achieve success and happiness.

Is it ever a good idea to dedicate yourself to a single company?

Reader Hoang Anh Huy

*This opinion was translated into English by AI. Readers’ views are personal and do not necessarily match VnExpress’ viewpoints.

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