Steelmaker proposes building power plant for iron and steel complex

By Anh Minh   May 27, 2021 | 09:27 pm PT
Steelmaker proposes building power plant for iron and steel complex
Steel seen in a steel factory of Hoa Phat Group. Photo by VnExpress/Anh Minh.
Hoa Phat Group plans to build a captive thermal power plant for its proposed Hoa Phat Dung Quat 2 Iron and Steel Production Complex in central Quang Ngai Province.

The steel giant has asked the province administration to obtain permission from the Ministry of Industry and Trade to build the power plant.

Speaking to VnExpress, Hoang Tien Dung, director general of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority, said the proposal being considered by his agency is for building the 300-MW plant inside the steel complex.

It would not be connected with the national grid, he said.

Construction is expected to begin next year and finish in 2024.

Hoa Phat Group is set to complete the Hoa Phat Dung Quat 2 Iron and Steel Complex with a capacity of 5.6 million tons a year at a cost of VND62 trillion ($2.7 billion) next year.

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