Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

By Quynh Tran   August 1, 2024 | 02:30 am PT
The Cay Kho Bridge, which helps residents of HCMC's Nha Be District avoid a 10 km detour or ferry ride through Binh Chanh District, is almost complete and is expected to open on National Day, Sept. 2.
Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

Construction started for the bridge, spanning Ong Lon Canal, in 2018 with a total investment of VND500 billion (US$20 million). It was originally planned to be completed in 2023 but was delayed due to land clearance issues.

Once in use, the bridge will connect Nguyen Binh Street of Nha Be District with Pham Hung Street in Binh Chanh District, reducing the existing distance from over 10 km to just 500 meters by eliminating the need for a detour.

Previously, residents had to either take a ferry that took more than 20 minutes, or travel the 10 km by road.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

The bridge is 485 meters long and 12.5 meters wide, with two lanes for vehicles. Currently, its entire surface has been asphalted, and sidewalks and drainage systems have been completed, with road markings and guardrails being installed.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

The guardrails, made of steel and over one meter high, have been fully installed, and the pedestrian sidewalks are fully paved.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

A group of workers install the last segments of the guardrails on the morning of July 30.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

The bridge has 10 piers and two abutments, standing about five meters above the road surface. The area under the bridge piers will soon be paved with asphalt and landscaped with green trees.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

The bridge clearance height is about seven meters, facilitating easy movement for boats.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

The project includes a pedestrian bridge near Nguyen Binh Street, which has been completed.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

Under the bridge, many workers and machines are busy constructing the connecting roads. Soon, the project will include asphalt paving for the approach roads, installation of traffic signs, and a lighting system.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

A roundabout connecting the bridge approach roads with Nguyen Binh Street is in its final stages, awaiting asphalt paving.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

The bridge on the side of Nha Be District.

Bridge to shorten HCMC route by 20 times set to open

Once completed, Cay Kho Bridge will facilitate convenient travel for residents in both Nha Be and Binh Chanh districts. The bridge will also help reduce traffic congestion on Nguyen Huu Tho Street, making travel between Nguyen Van Linh Street and Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park and Hiep Phuoc Port easier.

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