At 6 p.m., an hour before the flower street opened, they had already queued up outside a fence, everyone wearing face masks.
Patiently waiting for more than an hour, six-year-old Tran Lam Quy peered through the fence for an early glimpse at the flower street. The boy's father said that it was the first year his son was visiting the flower street, so he was very excited and wanted to get there early.
At 8:15 p.m., after the opening ceremony, residents and visitors were allowed to enter, one at a time. To ensure observance of pandemic prevention measures, a barrier was set up around the flower street with only two main entrances to the street near the water fountain.
All visitors are required to show proof they have been fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid. Their body temperature is checked before they enter.
Those with temperatures of over 37.5 degrees Celsius will be taken to a separate area for a re-check.
Right at the entrance to the flower street at the corner of Nguyen Hue - Ton Duc Thang is a giant gravel tiger 3.5 meters tall and eight meters long, weighing nearly two tons.
"This is the third year I am visiting the Nguyen Hue flower street. Every time this place is decorated with its own identity and beauty and I love the mascots models most," said Russian German Belenkov as he walked with his girlfriend.