The Ho Chi Minh Monument in Havana, Cuba, was inaugurated on May 19, 2003 to commemorate the Vietnamese president's 113th birthday.
It was designed by Cuban architect Yoel Diaz Gutieres and stands in Peace Park, which was renamed Ho Chi Minh Park on April 20 during a visit by Vietnam's National Assembly chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.
Vietnamese diplomats and officials of Mexico City, Mexico, pose at the Ho Chi Minh Monument in the city on May 22, 2015.
The statue of Ho Chi Minh working on a rattan chair was sculpted by Pedro Ramírez Ponzanell, the author of many statues in Mexico. It was inaugurated in January 2009.
The Ho Chi Minh Monument at Montreux Park on Paris outskirts.
The two-meter bronze monument was inaugurated in 2005, describing Ho Chi Minh as a hero who liberated Vietnamese people and a cultural celebrity.
The Ho Chi Minh Monument in Moscow, Russia was inaugurated on May 18, 1990 to commemorate his 100th birthday.
The monument shows a smiling Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese young man standing up, and Ho Chi Minh's famous saying in Russian: "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom."
Ho Chi Minh Statue in Ulianovsk, Russia.
Russia has other Ho Chi Minh monuments in Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok.
Ho Chi Minh Monument in Zalaegerszeg, around 240 km from Budapest, Hungary.
The statue was made by Hungarian sculptor Marton László in 1976.
A steel to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh was set up at the Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore in May 2008, to honor his 118th birthday and 35 years of Vietnam and Singapore's diplomatic relations.
A bronze statue of Ho Chi Minh, 0.55 meter tall, was added in September 2011.
The Ho Chi Minh commemoration area in Khamuane Province, Laos, was fished in 2012 by the Mekong River. The area spans around 1.6 hectares and stores many images and exhibits about the Vietnamese president's revolutionary activities in Laos.