Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

By Dac Thanh   May 27, 2024 | 07:58 pm PT
Three high-profile resort projects on prime coastal land in Quang Nam Province have remained half-finished for years, impacting local economic development.
Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

Luxury golf resort Mai House Hoi An and tourism site Trung Ky Viem Dong in Dien Ban Town near Da Nang have been left abandoned for years.

They stand amid high-rise tourism developments along the 20-km Lac Long Quan Street from Da Nang to Hoi An City, the world-renowned ancient town.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

The state of the Mai House Hoi An golf resort and tourism project in May 2024.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

The foundation for the 37-story hotel.

In 2022 the Government Inspectorate concluded work was behind schedule.

In June 2023 the Quang Nam Department of Planning and Investment said the developer had pulled out of the project, and the province's People's Committee instructed the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to handle the case based on legal provisions.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

Next to Mai House Hoi An is the Trung Ky - Viem Dong tourism project licensed to be developed by Trung Ky Viem Dong Real Estate Management JSC, also a local company. The project is on prime land, bordered by Lac Long Quan Street on one side and the sea on the other.

In 2013 the 1.8-ha project was licensed to be implemented at a cost of VND358 billion (US$14 million) with a hotel, tourist villas, a restaurant, greenery, a swimming pool, roads, and related infrastructure.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

According to the town authorities, the company illegally built three villa complexes, almost completing 14 villas and building the foundation and columns for 12 others.

The authorities fined the company VND30 million and ordered it to stop construction.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

Authorities in Dien Ban Town said the company was granted three extensions of the deadline, but work has stalled due to land acquisition issues.

It required 14 households to be relocated, but 10 of them refused the land plots they were offered as compensation due to their small size.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

The developer, Five Star Investment Corporation of Quang Nam, stopped construction over three years ago, causing the buildings to deteriorate and steel to corrode.

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

An almost complete beachfront villa in the project is gradually deteriorating after being left untouched for three years.

The work began in 2019 and was scheduled to be finished in 2021, but the developer got an extension until July 2023.

Nguyen Cu, owner of a restaurant next door, said when the project was announced, locals were excited that it would attract guests and create more jobs.

"The land was handed over for the project more than 10 years ago, but now it lies abandoned, which is a huge waste.

"We hope for early construction, cleaning up of the beach and the arrival of tourists."

Abandoned beachfront projects a waste of prime lands

The work had to stop because inspectors found that the project had not got a construction permit.

On May 13 the Quang Nam People's Committee instructed various departments to guide and advise Five Star Investment Corporation on land, investment and planning adjustments, and procedures for getting a construction permit.

The coast between Dien Ban Town and Hoi An has 32 tourism projects of which 15 have been completed, 10 are under construction and seven are wrapping up formalities to begin work.

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