On Monday, the actress shared a family photo on her Instagram, taken at the church where she and Dantes were married in 2014. In the picture, their daughter Zia is holding Rivera’s bridal bouquet, while their son Sixto stands behind his father.
According to the Inquirer, Rivera emotionally recounted the period from her marriage to Dantes to the time they became parents. The actress revealed that they faced numerous challenges and difficulties, including false rumors and envy from others. She described her marriage to Dantes as destiny, emphasizing that they always found their way back to each other no matter the circumstances.
Rivera stated that she and her husband share empathy and trust, maintaining a unified front. She relishes crafting surprises and romantic gestures for her husband. They both practice morning meditation, which rejuvenates and energizes them for the day.
Sixto celebrated his fifth birthday, and the children sometimes feature in advertisements alongside their parents.
Rivera and Dantes’ celebrate Christmas with their children.
Rivera, 40, is a Spanish-Filipino actress, television host, model, and entrepreneur. Beginning her career in the entertainment industry in 2004 at age 20, she is renowned for her roles as heroines in romantic dramas.
In 2020, Forbes listed her as one of the top influential and celebrated Filipino celebrities in Asia.
Dantes, 44, is an actor and film producer. He debuted on screen in 1994 and is most recognized for his roles in the Philippine adaptations of South Korean TV series such as “Descendants of the Sun,” “Autumn in My Heart,” and “Stairway to Heaven.”