What to remember about breakfast if I want to lose weight?

December 7, 2023 | 02:55 pm PT
I usually eat a small breakfast to lose weight, but this makes me hungry and unable to concentrate after a while. How should I eat my breakfast? (Quyen, 34, Da Nang)


A breakfast rich in carbohydrates tends to make you feel sleepy afterwards, increase your blood sugar level, and make it hard for your body to burn fat. Therefore, it's recommended to consume ingredients that assist in the weight loss process and help you maintain low blood sugar levels, such as vegetables or protein-rich foods, for breakfast.

It is recommended to have vegetables or protein-rich foods for breakfast. Photo illustration by Freepik

It is recommended to have vegetables or protein-rich foods for breakfast. Photo illustration by Freepik

You can consider the following options for your breakfast to boost your weight loss process: whole-grain bread with organic sesame butter, sautéed salmon with tomatoes and lettuces, medium-boiled eggs with carrots and spinach, vegetable stew, chicken and oat congee, or salads.

It is advised to start your breakfast with protein and vegetable sources and leave carbohydrate-rich foods for last.

You should spend at least 25 minutes on a meal and avoid using your phone or working while eating.

Eat only until you feel 80% full, as it takes about 20 minutes for our stomach to send satiety signals to the brain. Therefore, stopping eating only when you feel completely full can lead to consuming more than your body actually needs.

Dr. Phan Thai Tan

Nutrition coach at HomeFiT fitness center

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