The 49-year-old driver was fined VND17 million for driving in the wrong direction, and VND11 million for not having a driver's license.
"The penalty is lower than the one for driving a car with alcohol in the blood (which is up to VND40 million). It is very unreasonable."
Quyen Dang Hoang
"The punishment is really not hard enough."
"Someone could have been killed. VND50 million and license suspension for 5 years at least."
This seems to happen daily on these expressways. Harsher punishments."
"This level of stupidity deserves some time in jail to reflect on how he might have killed someone."
"Such a light penalty will not change people's awareness. Even children know that driving in the wrong direction is not allowed, especially on the expressway. More severe penalties should be imposed for this violation, because it can lead to harmful consequences to other people who drive in the right direction."
"The fine is not enough of a deterrent, leaving the act to remain common, same as speeding. The minimum fine should be increased 10 times, and then further increased according to the number of kilometers driven in the opposite direction. Then perhaps it will be enough to make a driver hesitate before deciding to turn the car around and run in the opposite direction."
Nam Le
"This behavior is a serious traffic violation, putting the lives of many people in danger just for a little advantage. I hope the punishment for it and similar violations will increase so that people can feel safe every time they participate in traffic."