A 200-m flooded section on Luong Dinh Cua Street in Thu Duc City. |
People help one another drain floodwater from vehicle exhaust pipes. |
People push a stalled car in the flooded area. |
A man who identified himself only as Dong said he made dozens of calls to auto roadside assistance services, but no one obliged. |
A man helps people avoid potholes under the waters. |
Some car drivers decided to stop and wait for the tide to recede. |
Ma Thanh Tuan of the civil defense force in District 1 opens a manhole cover on Calmette Street and removes trash so that the water can drain. "Garbage completely blocks the mouth of the sewer, and water cannot drain." |
Houses were flooded on Tran Xuan Soan Street in District 7. |
A man piles sand bags to keep the floodwaters from his house. |
A woman wades in her house in Alley 331, Tran Xuan Soan Street. |
The waters started to recede around 6:30 p.m. on Luong Dinh Cua Street. |