For 12th graders, who will take their high school graduation exam next year, classes will continue online learning.
Earlier, An Giang became the first locality in Vietnam to let students have a break to lift the pressure and tension of online learning, as an adaptation to the Covid-19 pandemic. It gave 176,000 primary school students a break from Nov. 29 to Dec. 5. The move was applauded by students, their parents, and teachers, as online learning was too much for some young students to handle and their parents had to step in to help their kids.
An Giang has over 400,000 students of all grades. Among 160,000 students between 12 and 17, 84 percent have received their first Covid-19 vaccine shots.
An Giang has recorded 23,675 Covid-19 infections, including 406 deaths. As many as 84 percent of the over-18 population have been fully vaccinated.