My wife doesn't even want to give me $1 for a coffee

By Hoang Phu   November 6, 2023 | 04:00 pm PT
My wife seemed irritated when I asked her to give me VND20,000 (80 cents) to buy a cup of coffee, though I give her VND18 million every month.

I’m a 36-year-old office worker, and my wife is self-employed. We have two kids aged eight and three respectively. My monthly salary is VND19 million, of which I give my wife VND18 million.

I eat breakfast and dinner at home, and lunch at my workplace. I pick our kids up from their schools and take care of household chores after my working hours. I rarely hang out with my friends or drink alcohol.

As I have a habit of drinking coffee every morning, I try to save money by using the instant coffee available at my office during weekdays. But there was one time when I craved coffee on a Sunday morning, so I asked my wife to give me VND20,000 so that I could go out and buy a cup for myself.

To my surprise, she shouted at me. She said: "We have instant coffee at home, why do you want to drink outside?"

She also accused me of not taking our family’s financial situation into consideration while slamming the VND20,000 cash note to the table before leaving for another room.

I thought about what she said and I admitted that we have to pay a lot for our living expenses every month, from rents to groceries and our kids’ tuition fees.

Still, I don’t think I deserve to be treated like that just for asking for VND20,000 from my wife.

What do you think?

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