Taxi driver saves family of 4 from ravine fall on Tam Dao mountain

By Quynh Nguyen   June 23, 2024 | 03:30 am PT
While descending Tam Dao mountain in the northern province of Vinh Phuc, Nguyen Xuan Chien halted his vehicle to aid a group trying to rescue a family whose motorcycle had veered into a deep ravine.

Chien, a 24-year-old resident of Soc Son district, Hanoi, reported that the father was ejected nearly 10 meters from the crash site and was injured, necessitating the use of a ladder for retrieval. His wife and their two daughters, aged four and six, were halted from further descent by a pine tree.

"The situation was chaotic," Chien recalled. "The husband was severely injured, the older daughter had bruises on her chest, and the younger daughter was unconscious."

Chien and other bystanders transported the entire family to the medical center at the base of Tam Dao mountain. During the drive, Chien continually reassured the family, maintaining calm and driving carefully.

Midway, Chien encountered a police convoy coming up from the base of the mountain, which helped guide his vehicle.

Chien (in white shirt) transporting a family of four who fell into the ravine on Tam Dao mountain in the northern province of Vinh Phuc to the hospital on June 20, 2024. Screenshot from a video courtesy of Chien

Chien (in white shirt) transporting a family of four who fell into the ravine on Tam Dao mountain in the northern province of Vinh Phuc to the hospital on June 20, 2024. Screenshot from a video courtesy of Chien

After arriving at the hospital past 12 p.m. on Thursday, Chien stayed until all family members were admitted and only left after the doctors confirmed their safety.

Trang (name changed), 33, one of the accident victims, recalled that the accident occurred while her family was descending the mountain on a motorcycle. She described the sudden incident as terrifying, with her husband and two children suffering injuries.

"Several cars passed by at the time of the accident, but only Chien stopped and actively participated in the rescue," said Trang. "We are deeply moved by his kindness and are grateful, although we haven’t had the chance to thank him directly."

Currently, the health of the family is stable, but they remain in the hospital for further observation.

The head of the Tam Dao district medical center stated that upon admission, the children had minor injuries and the father had abdominal trauma. After receiving first aid and undergoing imaging tests, which revealed no serious injuries, they were transferred to a medical facility in Phuc Yen city, Vinh Phuc for monitoring.

The story of Chien and locals rescuing the family from the ravine circulated on social media on Saturday, receiving tens of thousands of likes and comments praising their actions.

"A person who puts injured individuals in their vehicle, stays calm while driving, and continuously comforts the victims throughout the trip to the hospital is rare," commented a social media user named Khanh An. "Chien’s goodness saved four lives, thank you."

Chien, however, believes his actions were just ordinary. He has assisted accident victims on several previous occasions.

"Anyone would do the same in my situation," he said. "People naturally want to help quickly without seeking personal gain or fame."

Chien (in white shirt) transporting a family of four who fell into the ravine on Tam Dao mountain in the northern province of Vinh Phuc to the hospital on June 20, 2024. Video courtesy of Chien

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