Dog keeps three-year vigil atop owner's grave

By Diep Phan   November 29, 2020 | 09:02 pm PT
A dog in Long An Province has spent the past three years keeping watch over its former owner's grave.

Mino is black, about five years old. He was adopted by the family of Nguyen Thi Ut in Tan Thanh Commune, Tan Thanh District in southern Long An Province.

It had been attached to Kiet, Ut's grandson, since she took him home despite the family having many children and the fact the boy could not yet walk.

About a year later, the boy unfortunately drowned, and was buried right behind the house. Three days after the ceremony, Mino had taken up his position of vigilance.

Dog watches over his masters grave for three years

Mino has been lying on top of his master's grave for the past three years. Photo by VnExpress/Diep Phan.

"Seeing it lying on the grave, I chased it down since I thought it wasn't appropriate. But after a while, it returned to the same spot. I yelled at the dog for a whole month but it kept climbing onto the grave. I couldn't do anything to stop it," Ut said.

Mino remained by the unshaded grave, located in the middle of the rice field, from early morning to night, only entering the house on humid afternoons, late at night or in the presence of strangers.

Whenever the family had fruit or snacks, the thoughtful and wise Mino would always deposit them next to the baby's grave.

Nguyen Van Ba, a resident of Hamlet 1 in Tan Thanh Commune, said: "I always spot it in the same place during sunny afternoons or light rainy days."

Ut and Mino under the shet over Kiets grave. Photo by VnExpress/Diep Phan.

Ut and Mino under the shed built over Kiet's grave. Photo by VnExpress/Diep Phan.

A few months ago, Ut set up a small covering using four bamboo trunks and a roof made of leaves since she felts sorry the dog had to lie there despite rain or shine.

About half a month ago, a kind benefactor who learned of Mino's story gave Ut's family a small amount of money to construct a sturdy metal roof.

Ut no longer views Mino as a normal dog, but considers it as a family member.

"I don't think a normal dog would have had the same feelings for my grandson. I will care for it until it dies and then bury it. I will never sell or give it to anyone else," Ut maintained.

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