Chinese corporation proposes building Hanoi bridge, metro section

By Hoai Thu   June 27, 2024 | 07:35 am PT
Chinese corporation proposes building Hanoi bridge, metro section
Metro trains at a depot in Hanoi. Photo by VnExpress/Giang Huy
The China Pacific Construction Group asked to help build a bridge and a metro line section in Hanoi while meeting with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in Beijing on Thursday.

Yan Jiehe, founder of the Chinese group, said the corporation wants to invest in the construction of the Tu Lien Bridge and the Van Cao-Hoa Lac section of the Hanoi metro system.

Chinh was visiting China on a trip that began June 24 and included attending the World Economic Forum.

Jiehe requested the Vietnamese government issue favorable policies for the businesses that construct and invest in traffic infrastructure. He also said he wanted Vietnam to hasten the search for innovative cooperation models.

Chinh commended the group’s proposed cooperation on the bridge and metro construction. He asked that the group cooperate with Hanoi authorities and the Ministry of Transport to look into the construction.

The capital city has plans for 10 metro lines, including nine main lines and one that connects Hanoi with other satellite cities, spanning a total of 397 km. However, so far Hanoi has only completed 13 km of the 2A Cat Linh-Ha Dong line, and is about to complete 12.5 km of the Nhon-Hanoi Station metro line.

Municipal authorities plan to finish constructing 96.8 km of urban railways by 2030, and complete its entire urban railway network, spanning 500 km, by 2045. Once finished, the lines would handle up to 8% of people using public transportation.

The China Pacific Construction Group is among the world’s top private construction companies. It posted revenues of around $79.5 billion last year, with profits worth $5.2 billion.

Chinh returned to Hanoi on Thursday.

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