"The neighbors who heard this happening regularly and did nothing?... And [the apartment building] management didn't act? That's very sad."
Siobhan Comerford
"Of course the father has huge responsibility here too. Concerning neighbors they should be investigated too including the management of the building. In my country non assistance in life danger which means no help by any kind of means including phone call and reporting to authorities is subject to jail terms too."
Emmanuel Zussy
"Why was the loser allow this to happen to his own daughter? "Children receiving punishments from family members are common in Vietnam. According to a UNICEF survey..." The government needs to make child abuse uncommon and impose strict punishment on parents who leave their kids with scars and physical harm. Child abuse will lead to a lifelong mental problems too. I am almost positive that this woman was the victim of child abuse herself but that doesn't give her excuses to carry on the cycle of child abuse."
Jack Ba
"Vietnam has a very poor system of reporting domestic violence in any shape or form to a point that often times the victims feel hopeless to do anything because Vietnam actually never has a well established system of protecting victims of domestic violence like it is in the West. Vietnam has a very long way to go just to be able to catch up with the West."
Trần Bá Vũ
"This is not the first case. Many cases are hidden and we need to have more strong measures to protect the rights of children."
"This is a reoccurring thing in Vietnam and the death penalty might not solve it there should be a severe punishment. Vietnam has to show once and for all that this has to stop. And show on the networks the trial and the (strong punishment like 20 years prison) to send a message. Child abuse has to stop and the mentality of the people has to change too. Is it so strange to take action if you hear your neighbors abusing a child ??????"