The plants, in their flowering stage, were found growing in their gardens in Luc Ngan District, famous for its litchis. One household had 61 plants, the highest among the eight households.
Local police discovered the cultivation on February 24 and seized all the plants. They said the households will be punished for administrative violations.
Local police pluck out poppies from a family garden in Luc Ngan District, Bac Giang Province. Photo courtesy of police. |
Earlier, a 35-year-old man was recently found growing nearly 3,500 poppies in his garden in Viet Yen District.
Opium is on the list of narcotics forbidden in Vietnam.
Those growing opium poppies on a small scale can be fined VND2-5 million ($86.16-215.40). Farmers found cultivating 500 to 3,000 plants could face jail terms of six months to three years, while those operating on a bigger scale can get up to seven years in jail.