Drunk Australian, German in Thailand wheeled back to hotel on trolley

By Phan Anh   December 3, 2024 | 05:13 am PT
Drunk Australian, German in Thailand wheeled back to hotel on trolley
Tourists at a bar in Koh Phi Phi Island in Thailand. Photo by Reggae Bar
An Australian and a German tourist in Thailand were wheeled back to their hotel on a trolley by the police, as shared in a video that has gone viral online.

The 19-year-old Australian Tahli Benson and the 23-year-old German Sina Baumann were on Koh Phi Phi Island when they passed out after drinking alcohol on Nov. 19, Metro reported. People tried to wake the pair but failed, and local police were called to the scene.

As the road was too small for a car to come in, police officer Saneh Jualong used a pushcart of a nearby shop to wheel the women back to their hotel.

A video that circulated online showed the women slumping over on a trolley as the police officer wheeled them across the street.

The women’s friends took them to their beds as they reached the hotel. Saneh himself also reportedly tucked one of them into bed, News.com.au reported.

The Koh Phi Phi Island is a popular tourist destination in Thailand, known for its vibrant landscape and nightlife.

Surasak Jaidee, superintendent of the Koh Phi Phi police station, said it was not the first time that the police helped drunk tourists.

Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health has recommended venues to implement breathalyzer tests on customers for the sake of tourists’ safety.

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