Foreign companies in Vietnam are paying their employees 29 percent more than their domestic rivals, a new survey has found.
The comprehensive survey, conducted by global human resources and business consulting firm Mercer with Vietnamese partner Talentnet, questioned 289,236 people from 592 companies operating in 16 different sectors across the country.
This year's results revealed that salaries for managers at foreign firms are 41 percent higher than the same positions at Vietnamese companies, while the average payments for experts and low-level employees are 30 and 15 percent higher, respectively.
Last year, Mercer and Talentnet found that foreign companies in Vietnam were paying their staff 31 percent more than their local peers.
Managers' salaries at foreign firms were 38 percent higher, while the respective rates were 30 and 20 percent more for experts and low-level staff.
The survey explained that the pay gap is bigger for managers at foreign and local firms this year because foreign firms want to give their managers what they deserve, as they are usually required to work hard and shoulder a lot of responsibility.
In its "2016 Best Places to Work" survey released in March, solution firm Anphabe and market research firm Nielsen found foreign firms accounted for 15 of the 20 best companies in Vietnam.
This survey collected feedback from 26,128 employees working in 24 different sectors. Rankings were based on salary levels, bonuses, welfare and work-life balance for employees.